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Journey of Fien - JOF

Look, look at her... How many times have we said that to each other. Our daughter could see right through us, as if we were being hypnotized by her. Forget all care and misery for a while and drown in her eyes that only radiate pure "love". With a soft, cheerful and somewhat “stubborn cheeky” look that we still say: if she had just been a healthy girl, we would have had our hands full with her. But also a look that was so grown-up, as if she had us all figured out. She also gave this look to other people, family, friends, acquaintances, even to passers-by .. we always got the comment: We clicked! So beautiful that she had that in her. Taking people away from their daily routine and putting a smile on their face, she was the best at that. Fien was severely multiple disabled. In fact, you would think she had no awareness of the moment or her surroundings. But she seemed to be watching everything closely. If a child was crying somewhere, she immediately put on her biggest roar of laughter. We also simply called it: “laughing” Call us crazy, haha.. and of course we see the most beautiful and best of our child, as any other parent will confirm. But they remain special memories for us.